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Observation of Change

18. august 2023

I forbindelse med prosjektet Observation of Change vil det dukke opp flere spennende arrangement den kommende uken. Kunstprosjektet er basert på et nordisk samarbeid med naturrestaureringsprosjektet i Junkerdal naturreservat. Arrangementene er gratis og åpne for alle – Velkommen!

The Nordic Culture Funds support artistic initiative Observation of Change

Observation of Change is an art project based in Nordic collaboration with a nature restoration project «Observation – An observation of change» at the Junkerdal area in Saltdal municipality, Norway. The restoration aims to help nature and tackles issues of collaboration between humans and more-than-human elements of nature. The artistic approach brings artists into a dialogue with scientists and reflection on changes in nature in the Nordic Arctic region.

In the nature reservation part of the National Park, planted spruce trees have shifted from an economic resource to an ecological threat, along with climate change. Dark spruce fields are crowding out the bright birch forests of the mountains. The restoration helps nature become more natural but triggers emotions in visitors and local communities when trees are cut down and rapid changes occur in a familiar environment.

The artistic part of the project will document, demonstrate and reflect changes in nature, tackle the complex emotions of visitors and community and bring artists and scientists into dialogue. The project enhances comprehension of human collaboration with nature: while changes in nature are complex and cause emotions, art can help to articulate and state values and research about nature. Artists can use scientific data and observations as materials for artistic practice. Artworks, such as environmental art, art photography and art installations will be shown in an art-science exhibition, together with visual and accessible presentations of the natural science research presentation. The exhibition will give visitors opportunities to consider restoration and humans’ place in more-than-human nature. The project will promote knowledge on biodiversity, discussion of agency and rights of nature, human desires for nature and collaboration with nature.

The Nordic Culture Fund (300 000 Danish krona) will fund the project in 2023–2025. The project is initiated and coordinated by artists Birgitta Linhart (SE) and Maria Huhmarniemi (FI) in collaboration with gallerist Anja Kath Lande, ecologist Rannveig Margrete Jacobsen and National Park manager Johan Rova. Invited artists include art-sci collective Mette Gårdvik – Karin Stoll – Wenche Sørmo (NO), photographer and graphic designers Laila Ingvaldsen (NO), photographer Esa Pekka Isomursu (FI), comic book artist Johannes Pekonen (FI), and performance artist Tommi Yläjoki (FI).

Institutional partners of the project are the Adde Zetterquist art gallery, Nordland National Park Centre, Norwegian Institute of Nature Research (NINA), the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, the University of Lapland, Nord University, and the Arctic Sustainable Arts and Design network. The results of the project will be exhibited in 2025 at the Adde Zetterquist art gallery in the Junkerdal, Havremagasinet in Sweden and in the University of Lapland.

More information:



Hva er det som foregår på Roparneset denne uken?

Denne uken er 135 speidere er samlet på Roparneset nedenfor Nasjonalparksenteret. Speiderne skal bo 1 uke på leiren og gjøre mange spennende aktiviteter. De skal også på haik i fjellområdet på Storjord.

Vi forbereder sommersesongen

Nå snekres det for harde livet, og for å komme i mål med ombyggingen er vi nødt å holde stengt uke 17, 18 og delvis uke 19. Velkommen tilbake søndag 12. juni. Da åpner sommerens gjesteutstilling med Birgitta Linhart i Adde Zetterquist kunstgalleri!

Kontakt oss

Nordland nasjonalparksenter
Saltfjellveien 2035, 8255 RØKLAND
Tlf.: +47 400 67 251 (felles resepsjon for hele sentret)

Besøkssenter nasjonalpark Nordland
Tlf.: +47 906 51 410 (for faglig leder natur og naturfaglige henvendelser)

Adde Zetterquist Kunstgalleri
Tlf.: +47 400 67 252 (for intendant Anja Kath Lande)

Våre åpningstider

Mandag: Stengt
Tirsdag – Søndag: 12 – 16

Påske- og juledagene samt på bevegelige helligdager er det stengt.
Med forbehold om endringer.


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