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Visiting us you can experience art and nature exhibitons surrounded by beautiful nature and architecture. We offer activities for all ages.

Welcome inside! 


Where are we?

Nordland National Park Center is located by the E6 road at Storjord in Saltdal just north of Saltfjellet mountain. 

How to find us

Bodø is 125 km north of us and Mo i Rana 113 km to the south. Saltdal Tourist Center is our next door neighbour.


Bus: The nearest stop is Saltdal Tourist Center. You will find bus schedules here.

Train: The nearest stations are Lønsdal 11 km to the south and Røkland 22 km to the north. You will find train schedules here.

By plane: The nearest airports are Mo i Rana 102 km to the south and Bodø 117 km to the north.

Food & Drink

The nearest restaurant is Saltdal Tourist Center.

You will find the local grocery store at Røkland 22 km to the north.


Nystadnesstua is a traditional log cabin located close by Nordland National Park Center. It can be booked through us. The cabin has 8 beds, outdoor water post, outhouse toilet, gas for cooking and a wood burner for heating.

Saltdal Tourist Center offers cabins, motel rooms and a caravan site.

Storjord Hotel, Norways smallest, offers bed and breakfast summer months only.

Skogvoktergården lodge, newly renovated, offers group accommodation and is let by Saltdal Tourist Center.

Turist Information

The local tourist information is at Nordnes Kro and Camping 17 km to the north.

Langs Dronninga i Nord

Visit Bodø

Visit Helgeland

NordNorsk Reiseliv  

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Contact information

Nordland National Park Centre
Saltfjellveien 2035
Phone.: +47 400 67 251

Adde Zetterquist Art Gallery
Phone: +47 400 67 252 

Visitor Centre National Park
Phone.: +47 415 63 745

Opening hours

Open only on request and at events during the winter season.
Welcome back i february!

Closed on public holidays.


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